What's going on here...nobody posting and nobody commenting. Is everyone THAT busy? ;_;
So now I've got some Shounen stuff, ZOMG.

One Day I made
a decision: To start drawing in Shounen-style. And this was the first sketch after taking that step. (
Guess by whom I was inspired...)
That day (some time in...2004/5?) I was thick of not-knowing my own path and all the rest. So I just made this decision from one day to another. Kind of weird, and today, I would never do that. I just draw, what I think would show a part of myself, either it's shounen, shoujo or someting in between. Mmmhm, I noticed, that I have a very self-centered attitude, when it comes to drawing mangastories. Unlike Hina, I draw to make people happy, so I can feel happy myself, or e-eh, I can't explain it well. But she has my full respect, because she wants to draw things that make other people stronger. Very admirable.

These are characters from a, rather Shounen-like, original story. It's about the
heaven beneath our feet ;). Maybe I'll rewirte the story for the next
German Shounenmanga compilation. (btw, today they finally arrived! It really felt amazing to see your own story in a book. And a little embarassing, because I had to think of all the people who read my shit, gaaah. Next time I'll do it
MUCH better.)
Eh...how do you write "Nande"? "なんで"? Or should I say Nanda? Arr, I need someone to teach me proper Anime Japanese xD Ah yes. I LOVE skates. Beautiful animals.
And I'm
talking a way too much, I'm sorry! But...I haven't been talking online for a week, so please, be merciful. And yes I'm finished. I've got EVEN MORE things I'd like to post, but first I'd like to hear some
feedback to both entries, pleaaase ;o;