Friday morning, we had old japanese class, and it was that boring, that I couldn't help but to draw. I really like the drawing now, I was surprised by myself, because I almost never had to erase something, because it wasn't good.
Maybe, still, the proportions aren't that real, but I still like it very much.

Because we didn't have anything of HYD, I wanted to draw something first. (But Ming was faster than me ;O;" Funny, that we have the same object xDD. (But I drew Tsukushi one month ago, but it doesn't look good, that's why I never upload it.)
I wanted to draw Hanazawa Rui first, sitting next to the window, but I guess I failed. He looks too young right? (but did you know that the actor of Hanazawa Rui, Oguri Shun, already is 27 years old??)
And usually, he should be 17 I guess.
Mine looks like 15, so I decided, that he's Hanazawa Rui before he met Makino.
I know, the position of the violin is wrong ( I have to change that) and the background is not finished yet, but I wanted to show Rui.
Please klick, to see the big version of it. I love the clothes..
;_;" And his expression. What could he be thinking right now..? I am not gonna tell you xD
When I was in Iwate with my sister, I started to analyse the Shounen Jump a little bit. (Or was it Sunday?)
Anyway, I REALLY liked Eyeshield, how the drawer draws expressions and so on is AWESOME. I liked it before, from scanlations, but if you hold it in your hands its even BETTER.
So I started to draw the same expressions to learn it (so first I copied it) and after, I started to experiment with it.
Like you see, I didn't want to copy the looklike of the person (he doesn't look like Sena at all, right?)
I only wanted to draw his body, because it's good practise.
I really like Monta, he is just awesome - not only his character design, but also his expressions. I love his eyebrows (better than rock lee xD), and I really like his MOUTH. MAX!! Yeah, I will show you what I mean xD
It doesn't have to look like Monta. I just wanted to see, what I have to do, to give my charas the same expressions. I really like the left one, Monta who's looking down.
I realized, that I made a mistake with drawing the nose. (Nasenbein?XD) But I guess, now I learned from It and won't do that fault again.

That one looks strange, right? I only like the shouting one in the middle xDDDD
Why do I show that?
Just because it's fun. MAX!
I LOVE his mouth.
So, after I finished studying the characters, I drew an own one.
And like I wrote: "He's someone who wouldn't be the hero of a tale"
I think I am right. I like him kinda, but he doesn't have "das gewisse Extra" xD
But I like his expression very much (The Ear is wrong again.. I hate it.) But I like the shaddings. I guess I did them well.
What do you think about him?
Fuxx told me, that my drawing style looks 100% Shounen if I keep on drawing like that!
(But after I draw that Rui, in an other style again..
Why do I have to switch everytime??
Again own character.
But I only like the "Ciao" one xD HAHA.
Yeah, I guess, I can't say more, even If I wanted to.
I have to learn more and more- Still, I AM a rookie.
But I am getting better, I AM. Because I am practising like hell =,=" gah.
I am going now to cinema to watch a japanese Move. And to visit Sakuragichou in Yokohama, I ve never been there before xD
So, wish you a nice day!!