Long long time ago.. I can still remember...
Does anyone knows that song? xD
Anyway, I am SO SORRY. I didn't even write comment to my dear friends (I am doing right away, I SWEAR.), and I didn't upload anything...
Friday morning, we had old japanese class, and it was that boring, that I couldn't help but to draw. I really like the drawing now, I was surprised by myself, because I almost never had to erase something, because it wasn't good.
Maybe, still, the proportions aren't that real, but I still like it very much.
I wanted to draw Hanazawa Rui first, sitting next to the window, but I guess I failed. He looks too young right? (but did you know that the actor of Hanazawa Rui, Oguri Shun, already is 27 years old??)
And usually, he should be 17 I guess.
And usually, he should be 17 I guess.
Mine looks like 15, so I decided, that he's Hanazawa Rui before he met Makino.
I know, the position of the violin is wrong ( I have to change that) and the background is not finished yet, but I wanted to show Rui.
Please klick, to see the big version of it. I love the clothes..
;_;" And his expression. What could he be thinking right now..? I am not gonna tell you xD
;_;" And his expression. What could he be thinking right now..? I am not gonna tell you xD
When I was in Iwate with my sister, I started to analyse the Shounen Jump a little bit. (Or was it Sunday?)
Anyway, I REALLY liked Eyeshield, how the drawer draws expressions and so on is AWESOME. I liked it before, from scanlations, but if you hold it in your hands its even BETTER.
Anyway, I REALLY liked Eyeshield, how the drawer draws expressions and so on is AWESOME. I liked it before, from scanlations, but if you hold it in your hands its even BETTER.
So I started to draw the same expressions to learn it (so first I copied it) and after, I started to experiment with it.
I only wanted to draw his body, because it's good practise.
I really like Monta, he is just awesome - not only his character design, but also his expressions. I love his eyebrows (better than rock lee xD), and I really like his MOUTH. MAX!! Yeah, I will show you what I mean xD
It doesn't have to look like Monta. I just wanted to see, what I have to do, to give my charas the same expressions. I really like the left one, Monta who's looking down.
I realized, that I made a mistake with drawing the nose. (Nasenbein?XD) But I guess, now I learned from It and won't do that fault again.
That one looks strange, right? I only like the shouting one in the middle xDDDD
Why do I show that?
Why do I show that?
Just because it's fun. MAX!
I LOVE his mouth.
So, after I finished studying the characters, I drew an own one.
And like I wrote: "He's someone who wouldn't be the hero of a tale"
I think I am right. I like him kinda, but he doesn't have "das gewisse Extra" xD
But I like his expression very much (The Ear is wrong again.. I hate it.) But I like the shaddings. I guess I did them well.
What do you think about him?
Fuxx told me, that my drawing style looks 100% Shounen if I keep on drawing like that!
(But after I draw that Rui, in an other style again..
Fuxx told me, that my drawing style looks 100% Shounen if I keep on drawing like that!
(But after I draw that Rui, in an other style again..
Why do I have to switch everytime??
Again own character.
But I only like the "Ciao" one xD HAHA.
Yeah, I guess, I can't say more, even If I wanted to.
I have to learn more and more- Still, I AM a rookie.
I have to learn more and more- Still, I AM a rookie.
But I am getting better, I AM. Because I am practising like hell =,=" gah.
I am going now to cinema to watch a japanese Move. And to visit Sakuragichou in Yokohama, I ve never been there before xD
So, wish you a nice day!!
So, wish you a nice day!!
3 Kommentare:
1) Ahh, what a coincidence! xDD The trousers look so real! Great job with the shadding. I knew it was Rui, when I saw the violin *o* I think, he looks so young, because his head is disproportionate to his body (chibi-effect). Anyway, gooosh 27 years, Japanese never age xDD
2) Even though he doesn't look like Sena, if you take a closer look, I immadiately had to think of him...it's just "his" expression. xD Anyway great, as well 3)! Monta ist a really unique character, isn't he.
IT IS EPIC. Really EPIC. What's wrong with the ear, I can't see it? Nooo, it would be sucht a waste, if he wouldn't got a bigger role. And I totally agree with Fuxx. It's great how you learn from Eyeshield! I've gone through this, too, some longer time ago...you can learn so much from Murata-sensei.
You really should see it as one of your skills, that you're able to hatch in different ways. And finally, your efforts will surely yield fruit. *__* I think this post has waken me up as well...I have to practise more just like you!
"Long long time ago.. I can still remember..."
You are made of SO much win. hahaha <3
and I'm gonna be really lame today and say nothing but:
(I'm so sorry. T_T blue whale me, if you like)
PS: The thing is, I'm not really wearing any underwear today. and, as we know, the internet is for... yeah well, you know.
PPS: The first dude looks rather sad.. what the hell did you do to him?! (btw, fuck you and your damn ability to draw creases that well! amazing!)
Oh and guy with plaster on his face (second scan) looks quite awesome as well. I like him *_* (as well as the screaming guy.. and Nebenrolle guy - fuck no, I love Nebenrolle guy.)
yeah, as you can see, I couldn't restrain myself from commenting anyway. YOU'RE JUST THAT GOOD.
yada yada. (The only reason I actually started writing this was because of American Pie and now look where it got me?! haha.)
keep on.. drawing. :D
I really like the trousers, it's the first time for me to draw them like that.. I am not really good in drawing clothes, so I am lill bit .. proud now. <3
The chibi-effect is my fault number ONE. GAHH...
2) I really ADORE Monta. I like how he is, and.. he is so.. MONKEY.
He and Hiruma are the greatest. (He ist just.. DEVIL ;_;" <3)
4) I think, the form and the perspective (wtf) of the Ear is wrong. You wouldnt see it like that usually i guess.
PRACTISE MORE *________*<3<3<3
Thank you very much ;_;" i am so happy to hear .. äh.. read your ... words? XD.
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