The first one to tell me his name gets Saturn from me. Very sketchy, but I think, the important things are visible. Took me about an hour with GT and Paint.NET, one layer for the background, other layer for the rest.

Orz, I got addicted to Bambino!. I started watching the drama because of Matsumoto Jun, but I began to like all the other characters, too. Katori reminds me of Suwabara from Yakitate!Japan, heh. Coincidence?
Ok, just to make it not so fandom-like, here something interesting: (maybe)
About a month ago, I started to maintain a special notebook. It contains pictures that I collected from newspapers and magazines...having in mind, they'll be useful to me one day, maybe giving me some inspiration.
For example animals and scenes from daily life around the world...



...etc., etc.

It's already half filled...and it already proved to be helpful, so I can recommend it, if you haven't started with something like that yet. (I MYSELF SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT MUCH EARLIER)
Uhm yeah.
3 Kommentare:
*_* DO I GET SOMETHING NOW???? *_* <3
When I come home today, I will write an entry for Weeaboo too - i have some new (but not lot..) things too. Hahah *_*.
Good idea with your Book!
I made something too, but stopped already (I bought shounen jump and cut out the panels I liked..)
because... I .. ich hab kein durchhaltevermögen xD HAHA.
I really like your Rui, that sketchyness (? XD) is great <3
And of course the apple!!
two days ago, I bought the last manga of Hana yori dango- and there was a Special Story in it!!!
About Akira xD I will translate u when I come back, kay? <3
Your second draw is cool <3 I don't know bambino, but I liked it very much (and you wrote in japanese ;_;"""""")
§:D Its Hummingyay!
I can see an apple ..okay it's rui xD
Awhh yes Bambino is very smilar to yakitate japan....in a italien way lol;
Good idea with this collecting book!
I do that too, but I don't collect them so they are flying around and getting lost. <_>
Saturn, only for you <33 xD
(with mouse, because i'm too lazy to get the GT)
Nooo, you should keep it on with your book! Sometimes when I draw Manga, I think of a certain expression, seen in a certain manga, but I just can't recite it from my memory, which pisses me off, then. xD"
About Akira xD I will translate u when I come back, kay? <3
;__;!!! That would be awsome! ;^; (fangirls like me never get enough, tss)
バンビノ! (katakana are slightly easier for me, than Hiragana) If you have the time, watch it! Matumoto is playing the complete loser xD<3
§>D "Read the book!"
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