1) Somewhere between my old French notes, there was a Hina-Sketch, and I thought, MAN, I must be able to draw her better now.
2) Just wanted to test the new ballpen (with four colors!awesome). I didn't have any intentions but it reminds me of the Rukia-nearly-died chapters of the Hueceo Mundo arc
3) You might have already forgotten her...but she and her dumb brother are two of my favourite characters! Kuukaku, please appear in the "Turn back the Pendulum"-arc ;o; (in the manga, her right arm is missing...eeeh, you didn't thought, it was my lazyiness, did you?)
4) ballpen + stabilo, because copics and ballpen-lines don't get on well together.

Gnaaaah, why is Matsujun-Doumyouji so hard to draw??? It's the second try, but it looks dumb as ever. Anyway, this is the evereverLAST thing I've drawn during classes. Kind of nostalgic...it was dark, we were watching a film in English classes ("One flew over the cuckoo's nest"). It must have been quite a funny movie regarding the reactions of my classmates, but I was rather in HYD-mood, haha. I thought I drew Nia (TTGL) somewhere...M.I.A. :O
Anyway I'm talking to much, and this post is quite boring, because there're only faces and no special expressions. But I just wanted to take my mind off math. Now back to work...
2 Kommentare:
AW. Lass es mich so sagen: Du bist eine MEISTERIN der Hinamori und der einarmigen da! (ich hab namen vergessen xD)
Die sehen einfach.. TOLL aus????
Ich beneide dich doch für deinen tollen zeichenstil.. Er "lebt" richtig unter deinen Augen, das find ich voll toll!
Ich musst so lachen bei Hummingyay!!
Ich finde, er sieht nicht ganz genau aus wie er (was UNMÖGLICH) ist, aber doumyoujis züge sind zu 10000% richtig durchgeschlagen, und unglaublich sympathisch!
Und Rui ist girly *_* booohoooohh.
Ich finds toll dass du was hochgeladen hast, nicht so wie ich, die faule sau <,<"
Weiter so mit der guten Arbeit!!!! <3<3<<3<3<<33
Aber Rui sieht nicht aus wie Rui D8 ...ders doch viel eckiger xDD
sry xD
ich mag deine Bleach Girlies vorallem Rangiku? Pink Gelb rult!
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