As I promised, Originals!

I drew this one on the flight from Zurich to Tokyo. I love flying, I love watching the sky and the clouds, I love feeling the wind blowing through my hair. Her extremities are too long...I didn't pay attention to that. AND her neck is too thick, my old all-time-mistake. D:"

This one has to do with my holidays as well. I was really inspired after walking around in Shibuya and Shinjuku. It's funny, most girls in Japan wear skirts all the time, while you see that very rarely in Switzerland or in the West in general. Must have something to do with school uniforms. (But the English don't were skirts as well...hmm.)
Legs are a big short, but I just had to draw the shoes, and there wasn't much space left xD""
I've seen those shoes in Shinjuku ;_; Oh if I just had the opporutnity to go shopping there...I would be run out of money right now. xD I added a bit gothic style.

Her jacket is inspired by this piece by John Galliano and Christian Dior from 1997. Very interesting cut. I really love fashion, mmmhm, if you only could make money with it for sure... ;_;
This one was made in history lessons:

I should draw something Shounen/ more dynamic for the next time...but I'll be very thankful for every opinion on this.
(stolen from Maski, mwahaha...but these hearts are love *o*)
As I promised, Originals!

I drew this one on the flight from Zurich to Tokyo. I love flying, I love watching the sky and the clouds, I love feeling the wind blowing through my hair. Her extremities are too long...I didn't pay attention to that. AND her neck is too thick, my old all-time-mistake. D:"

This one has to do with my holidays as well. I was really inspired after walking around in Shibuya and Shinjuku. It's funny, most girls in Japan wear skirts all the time, while you see that very rarely in Switzerland or in the West in general. Must have something to do with school uniforms. (But the English don't were skirts as well...hmm.)
Legs are a big short, but I just had to draw the shoes, and there wasn't much space left xD""
I've seen those shoes in Shinjuku ;_; Oh if I just had the opporutnity to go shopping there...I would be run out of money right now. xD I added a bit gothic style.

Her jacket is inspired by this piece by John Galliano and Christian Dior from 1997. Very interesting cut. I really love fashion, mmmhm, if you only could make money with it for sure... ;_;
This one was made in history lessons:

I should draw something Shounen/ more dynamic for the next time...but I'll be very thankful for every opinion on this.
2 Kommentare:
You stole my heart ;_;"
Now... am I heartless? (NOOOO ;O;""")
Awww, I really like your girls.. and FINALLY: We have Original Art here *_* GYAH!!
I am so sorry, I should do that too, but In the moment i stick to 3 Flashs, thats bad ^^°°°° gha.
Okay, where to start?
I really like that girl you draw in the end. The face, the hair and the colors are GREAT!!
But, let me guess: The cap is drawn with tippex and then the orange (the same like the hair and face-color) over it, right? XD
Shit, my english got so strange O__O"""
Since the others arent there anymore, I am not using english anymore X_X just to julie, thats all. (ah, and MIku. Anyway *abdrift*)
I like the other two drawings too ;O;"" But i didnt know, that you are interested in that kind of clothes? (Man lernt nie aus ;D) I like it xD<33 and when I see it, it really remembers me of the girls in Japan!
(We don't care about the legs!)
I have to practise more ;_;" when I see you pictures I think:
"OMG, and she's one year (and a half *DETAIL*HUST*) younger than me, and THAT good ;_;" I have to do something!! ARGH!!!)
But nach wie vor (xD) i LOVE your drawing style ;_;""""" <3333
Bin ihc die einzige die denkt dass das jetzt ein voll random-eintrag wurde? XDDDD SHIT?
ahm ahm..
(wusstest du dass die Weibliche Form von ANIKI, ANEKI ist? <3)
you're comments are long enough as well xD <333
oh, poor you. And I'm...double-hearted *o* (wtf)
Don't feel obligated to draw originals - just draw what YOU like to!! that's the only rule <3
3 flashes = d.g-m, gl and...khr?
Shit, i can't deceive your eyes xD"" You're absolutely right with the tippex. xDD" you're English is ok, I can understand everything *_* how was/were the test/s?
Miku ;___; Hmm, on the old sketchblog, i posted some fashion sketches...but not that weird, you're right xD and in my early years i adored gothic lolita fashion. (i still do *o*")
xDD age doesn't matter, there are some 14-years-old on dA with amazing skills ;o; (and don't forget lu-sama TwT)yes, go practising right now!! xD *has to hurry to*
Yeah, after all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your comment! <333 (it wasn't random at all ;u;)
I didn't know that@Aneki...but it's great!! ;o; how does kamina call shimon, btw...kyoudai? (raaaah, i want to show you this great AMV, but it spoilers the end xD"")
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