Tami has given me a wonderful illustration (under "Bao" - "Gifts") ♥
Ichigo turned out weird, but I've never been able to draw him. It looks really messy, but it took me "only" about half an hour, so this isn't bad...for me xD" *thinks of all the hundreds of people who are faster AND better* First time I drew Chadooou, lol.
Then some fanart of "Baccano!" (more about the Anime here [German])

Drawn in German lesson. Oh my German teacher is a real monster. One of my classmates got suspended till Spring Break at the end of April, because she wanted to show a little bit of her non-existent autority. AND I'D LOVE TO GET SUSPENDED TOO. Anyway, sorry for this Spam-Entry D:
7 Kommentare:
I dont like your german teacher xD But you already told me one time, that your teacher's a dragon. HAHA xD poor thing ;_;
I saw boccano here in TV, but only advertisment!
But, when I saw your drawing, (even I really DONT KNOW that anime) I was thinking "Hey, It looks like that guy in the advertisment!"
and it WAS <3<3<3
I LOVE the first picture you drew there - But Ichigo is (i am sorry ) a little .. Fail. äh...
I mean... he.. doesn't have the real ichigo-look?
I don't know how to say that but...
WHY did you draw Ichigo anyway?
He is ein elendes Stehaufmännchen! (WTF GERMAN.)
BUT like usual: I love your drawings ;_; Sometimes, it looks little bit static, but it's getting better and better <3<3<3
Yes, it's so ridiculous xD He's already got his oral marks - a 2,5 (CH). She's sort of a Hybrid of a dragon, lolita, witch and piece of unko, yes xD I still haven't make up a plan how to survive the final oral exams.
But wtf, you've recognised Firo? xD He totally looks like a 08/15-Bishounen.
I thought, I should give Ichigo a try...and failed again. 8D I noticed, you must have gone through my favourits and favourited them @Stehaufmännlein on Animexx. xD
No, these aren't good at all. When will I be able to draw interesting poses without erasing 50% of the time?
It doesn't matter how long you need to draw - and how long you have to erase until it's good for you:
Because only the endproduct is important right???
if you have to erase, that means:
You make a lot of mistakes.
BUT you can find them.
AND you make it better after.
I don't think it's so bad to use the eraser often. Just: GANBATTE!! (and to be honest: When you started to draw manga, didn't you have to erase 80% of your pictures?
I was in that case xDDD)
HAHAHA you found it out? @favo?
SHIT *_* anonymous stalker faiiiiled.
Hmm, I think the longer you draw, the more important time gets. I'm drawing Manga for about...6-7 years now, and I still have problems with HEADS. This can't be. I want to concentrate on other things. And since I don't have much time...and what about the future? I'll never be able to release anything by a bigger publisher, when I'm that slow.
Earlier, everthing looked terrible, but I was even faster because I erased LESS. I indeed thought they were already good DROP. xD"" But that was the way how I grew.
Now, I have a kind of wrong perfectionism. Anyway, it bothers me and sorry for moaning around ;_; I appreciate your opinion. <3 Maybe I should think less and draw more, shouldn't I? 8D
laberrhabarber Englisch üb wtf xD
Dann sag ich s mal auf deutsch xDDDD
hast du schon mal an eine Zusammenarbeit gedacht? <3
Wenn zwei zusammenarbeiten, Bilder oder Manga, dann können sich beide ergänzen, einer findet die Fehler des anderen, usw. So à la A. Macht vorskizze, der andere bearbeitet die skizze, sucht nach fehlern, und zieht dann nach <3 oder so..
Aber ich weiss was du meinst, ich meine, selbst nach meiner langen portraitphase habe ich immer noch grosse mühe mit köpfen xD
Das bild wird übrigens nicht hochgeladen, es war nur ein test (momo hats mir eingescannt xD)
Hast du jetzt grade 'ne Zusammenarbeit zwischen uns beide vorgeschlagen oder wolltest du nur allgemein dazu etwas sagen? *_*"
Und, äh, welches Bild?
(sorry, dass ich gerade so verpeilt reagiere)
das bild, welches ich in die Shoutbox gepostet habe, und du meintest, ich solls hochladen xD
Es war ein vorschlag auf eine Zusammenarbeit, YO. <3
wir sollten auf jeden fall mal ein paar collabs machen zusammen (aber auch die outlines zusammen machen, wie bei dem HitsuMori, dann sehn wir, wie gut wir aufeinander abgestimmt sind <3 und gegenseitig kritiken geben wird auch viel einfacher!
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