Hah ;_;" When I saw Bao's/Ming's drawings, I HAD to draw too.

I am sorry for that stupid quality again. I wish I had at least a scanner here..
Just klick on the picture, to see full view!
If you are not able to read my ugly handwriting: here again!(Challenge #2 last sentence: Kamina: "Nanii...?? Even Yoko ;O;? )
I am NOT the one who just died and amandoned everyone.
Kamina: .. Hä..? //..Yoko..??!//
Yoko: .. RIGHT?!! *tremble*
Kamina: ...Y-y..yoko..???
Simon: ..... o_o.Nia: ^_^?
I LOVE Nia. Because sometimes, she is really stupid - but damn cute!
(and if you write "NIAH", it's like "HINA"! Tadaaa! (...random. 8D))
And again. Gurren Lagann (sorry?) but the next drawing after THAT will be own character- I swear!! (...better not.. xD)
And to be honest- I didn't try to draw correctly. This time I just ignored all rules and just started to try around.
I like Yoko xDDD.
I try to give all Shichirigahama Uniforms. Of course, not the true ones, because I want Yoko to wear her long socks and so on.
As you can see, Kamina, Simon and Nia (!!) aren't that planned right now. Let's see how they end up later!
Yoko and Kamina are Senpai with the blue shoes (for Sannensei- means 3rd grade)
And Simon and Nia are ichinensei, first grade. I will try to finish it that week ^^
2 Kommentare:
Ok, second try *_*;
Man, you're so damn fast ;o; Ah, I can read your -ugly- handwriting, haha *_*; the "disastrous aura" is pure win! <3 I love their facial expressions! (Nia and Shimon, too...so in character <33) I was afraid, you would hate NIAH (*_*)...i'm relieved you like her. xD" She's great, isn't she?
I'm really looking forward to the finished fanart! Uniforms! You want to kill me with fetish, right? *__*;; Shimon looks totally cute <3 And K&Y are holing hands, everything a fangirl-heart (like mine) needs xD But what I like most, is the idea with san- and ichinensei ;_;
the perspective is quite interesting. (woah...the shoes have KH-sizes xD). But it's not all correct. from this angle...you wouldn't see the face like this AND...you would see Yoko's panties for example. xDD"" But give it a try! it's all a learning process...and for this drawing full bodies is much better then drawing portraits at your level.
Anyway, as I said, I'm looking forward to it!! And there is no possibilty you won't color it, you understand? >D
Liebeliebeliebe. <3
I am happy that you like it xD. Because I just had a camera, I was worried about the quality and the fact that you maybe can't see her dangerous face xD. That's why I drew that disastrous aura xD
I LOVED to draw Shimon there xDD It was so FUN. Because I really knew how HE would react. And Niah too xDDD <3
Why were you afraid? I NEVER could hate a person like Niah, since she's as stupid as me xD <3333
Ehmm they are not diiiirectly holding hands, Yoko just grabbed his handwrist (I don't know by myself), and their expressions are.. a little bit pissed xD. But, "was sich liebt das neckt sich", right?
Kingdom Hearts xD WTF xD
Yeah, it's not correct, that's why i LOVE it <333 I'ts just.. I wanted to draw something more abstract, I dont know..
and I didnt want to draw Yokos panties xD Höhö.
When you told me, that I make a lot of portraits, I was like..
OMFG, She is RIGHT!!! WHAT the hell am I DOING!!!???"
I really try to make more pictures without "just faces" xDDDD thank ya very much ;O;"
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