... Wenns weiter nix is û,û...
Hey, it's me again! Like I said, Bao inspires me all the time, that's why also I wanted to post a "making of" .
(Its worth to enlarge all the pictures..!)
First: That picture is strange.. It was 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning, and I just got the feeling: I HAVE to draw something. And that time I wanted to create characters, who fits in a shounen-manga. And- characters no one would like, because they were just.. rubbish.
Typical manga schema:
One guy, the hero, who is actually a loser, a cold guy (who's usually paired with an other hot guy in the eyes of "boys love"-fans (HAHA, but it CANT happen, because the main character is NOT cute at all xD!! Strike.)), a girl who is in love with someone of them and children.
And of course, the princess they have to save. Okay, let's just start with the story. I guess, I will continue to draw some scenes of that story, because ist SO stupid that I started to like it.
[Please click to enlarge! It doesn't work on all pictures, so I post the link too..] http://666kb.com/i/awsainomrl83eta2w.jpg
It's the story of the main character Inoue Seiichiro.
Seiichiro is a real loser. In school, no one knows he is there, because they never realise that there actually IS a student sitting on his chair. Anti-hero.
Maybe it's his fault, because he is sleeping all the time, and anybody can hear a sound of him.
Anyway, one time, because he was bitten by a teddy-bear (..hä?), he got a magical "Puppet-hand". But - that hand can't do anything useful at now.. okay, one strange thing happened sometimes but - it's not interesting - for now.
Picture Note:
I really like the picture like that. I didn't plan anything and just started, first was Seiichiro an agent in the "ballet-mafia" (DONT ASK xD), later he was a magical girl. (GIRL??).
Anyway. I got started with coloring in Seiichiros face. Usually it's the first step I take.
Kamimura Keisuke, that's the name of that cool guy on the right. Everyone loves him, of course, because he is (like in every Manga) a いけめん - ( I don't think you understand that xD), a type of guy usually manga freaks say "aw, he's hot!!".
He doesn't like to talk to people like Seiichiro, and of course, he never does like everyone. Bunch of girls are after him day by day, and he just gets really pissed of. But of course- he is the hot guy, the cold guy- he's never complaining about that, because he is just- to cool.
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Usually I don't care about the order, what I am coloring and what not. (Oh my, I am sorry for my bad english X_x)
So, before I started with Keisuke's Hair (of course, he has beautiful, shining hair..), I colored the little boy's skin, and Seiichiros trousers. The little guy acutally HAS a name, but nobody knows him. That's why they gave him the name "Doro Moyashi" what actualy means "Mud beansprout". Why? I'll tell you later.
One day, in special toy shops, they present new "Keyring pendants" who look like balls with rabbit ears. No one wanted to buy them, because they were just childish. So the whole selling was a flop. But Keisukes brother, who WAS childish, wanted Keisuke to buy one for him, so he went to the shop.
However, HOW could he know, that since he stepped with his foot into that shop, his whole life would change?
In the same time, he put the money on the cash desk, 3 other people did that in other shops on the same time.
Seiichiro, because he is one of the only one Idiots who thought, that ugly keyring pendants (who are called Usagalls, between USAGI and BALLS (pronounce: Usagolls)) were pretty cool.
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I really like his haircoloration. Of course, it looks really different from the first hair color i gave him right? That's my way of coloring.. haha
And a girl who just like pink things - she saw one single keyring pendant who had her favorite color and bought it. But nobody of them could know what's gonna happen, but they were chosen as "the knights of the toy world" (was für ne Ehre 8D)
The first days were really normal, until one of the Unagalls, Seiichiro's one, started to move by itsself. Of course, he didn't realize it, because he was just sleeping. Keisuke still had his Usagall, because his little brother's birthday was the day after tomorrow, and he didn't want to give it to him earlier, just to annoy him.) But after school, when he bumped into Keisuke (who had the same Usagall), the whole story was about to begin.
Seiichiros Usagall got a mouth, and a long chain shoot out of it. One part of the chain caught Seiichiros wrist, the other end Keisukes neck....
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I decided to color Seiichiros hair green. Why? I really dunno. It's just - I like green xD. Also his eyes, because red was definately TOO cool. And I colored Keisukes eyes already blue. Yellow also, waaay too cool, that's why I took green. I really like Keisukes Usagall too. It fits kinda xD (Ah, yes, the red thing are eyebrows!) Still there aren't enough shadows in his face and hair. (And also: he doesn't have brilliance in his hair. Because.. he is uncool. haha xD) I like his mouth.

Seiichiro: ".. Mr. Cool =___=?"
Keisuke: ".. WHAT =_____=!?"
Seiichiro: "..... ....... i have to go to toilet."
Keisuke: "DECLINED."
But, of course, that's only the first story - the real story begins, when "Hina" (I am sorryyy but the meaning of Hina is Puppet, right?? xD), the puppet princess calls for help. When the red moon is shining, the destiny cannot be stopped anymore..
Now, the four found together and they realized, that they have an ally more than thought: A golden rat with red glasses also had been chosen (I DONT know why.), but hey, why not? There are gold hamsters too, why not gold rats? xD
The Girl, Yamada Chie, Kamimura Keisuke, Inoue Seiichiro and "Doro Moyashi" - and that rat - had to go to the world of puppets and fight against the puppet-destroyers. The Usagall of everyone came to live, everyone had an own character, and the appearance started to resemble their owner... (I really love Keisuke's one. His name is Blue. xD Wt..)
Picture note:
A big jump!! I already started with Hina-Hime, and I tried to combine strange colours, pink blue and green together. But in the end I realized, that it's really similar to Niah from TTGL. Arh?
Because Hina had a lot of green color, I didnt want to bring more green colour into my picture, so I took brown for Seiichiros school uniform..
Hinas tears are red. Its NOT blood. Why I chose that color.. I don't know either xD But If you say thats "illogical" then please - show me a crying puppet and its tears xD.
A long travel begins, with a lot of problems. A main character who actually doesn't want to fight, Keisuke who is always bawling out the others, because he has that thing around his neck. The only reason, why he joined the group, is because he didn't have any other choice.
How Moyashi joined the group: Nobody knows. He just was there, and he never spoke, just ate their food. But he had a personal Usagall too, so they thought him as an ally.
By the way, his slug is blind. If it could, it would see that its house is not a slug house but a piece of pink shit. (WTF.)
But first some explanation: The chain is made of the puppet princesses hair (That explains the colours of it) and cannot be destroyed, until the princess releases both.
The enemies are old puppets who are controlled by puppet-destroyers. The only thing to stop them is - giving love. Giving them love manages to paralyze them, and after they have to be toched by a magical puppet- hand. Of course, Seiichiro is THE MAN!
But.. He is so unpopular, that even HIS love cannot manage to paralyze them. And the puppets don't like girls, so even Chie cannot do anything. And Moyashi is just too disgusting with his skullhead and his slimy fingers.
"No, NEVER", he bawled - but he had no choice. To fight against the puppets, Keisuke has to go on the battlefield and hug the enraged puppets! And after, Seiichiro finishes his job. It really starts to look like Seiichiro was cool, and Keisuke not. xD.
Picture note:
And again a big jump! I finished the princess with her tic-tac-toe-face, and I finally like the colors. And Moyashi got some colors too. He is not really NORMAL that kid, that's why I gave him red eyes.. He looks so crazy, I love him xD. I also decided how to color the sky, because I never used yellow until now. But, the main problem was the red moon, what to do?..
(oh, and the fangirls xD)

Everyone of them can't stand each other, but they have to save the world. Not bad!
I thought about things like:
Puppet Boss: HAHA! You'll NEVER beat me. For that, your bonds of friendship are NOT enough.
(*Keisuke kicks Seiichiros ass*)
Boss: ONLY strong bonds like friendship can destroy me, harr harr!
Keisuke: 8D. Ya know, old man. Friendship can be broken..
Seiichiro: .... But NOT THAT SHITTY CHAIN 8DDDD Thats MORE bond than we need! *kicks Keisuke forward to the boss*
Keisuke: .. LOVE ATTACK! =_____=!! *BIG HUG*
xD oh gott, how stupid xD.
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I started to color the heaven and Chie's uniform. And I drew a lot again, things like Seiichiros vest and so on. The green Usagall is Seiichiros. I made the hairstyle similar to Kamina. WTF. xD And now, you can see the pink shit *_*.

Almost finished! But.. I think the Idea is really lame xD. I can't write it, like I had it in my head, I am sorry ;_;"" I will draw alot to show you, how they fight against the puppet, hug them, how their Usagalls are and so on..
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Almost finished, last step!!
I really like the clouds and so on, and I love the usagalls. But my favorite is still the goldrat- Oh, I forgot to tell you why that rat has a Usagall right?
Someone bought it, but after that, everyone made fun out of that poor guy. So he threw it away, and the rat got it, the same second like the others bought their Usagall.
I still like Keisuke..
AW, I love them all, because they are SO stupid. I guess there is no happy end. Oh, and like I said - they have to save the world,... look on their feet, I love it *_*. The world, tadah!!
A lot of colors I used, and I did all with normal copy-paper xD
Nevertheless, I am proud.
Oh, and don't think anything about the proportions. I didn't care, because its just fun..
AH and I used the first time, Mings Tippex ;_; thank you very much!!
Klick here for the big version!! (es LOHNT sich)
So das wars. Btw Ming.. beim TTGL Lied "Happily ever after", wenn ich den anfang höre, krieg ich immer total das Herzklopfen und weiss nicht was ich tun kann X_X ich werd immer so aufgeregt!! ARH woran lieg das??
2 Kommentare:
Ok everyone, take a deep breath, because this is gonna be a long comment. But a long entry with such a quality deserves a long comment, RIGHT?
(lol, die Einleitung war jetzt schon lang xD)
First about the Story:
THIS IS ABSOLUTE BRILLIANCY. You're so damn imaginative!!!!! I love the whole story. EVERYTHING. <333 Oh, I deeply to want to see it drawn Q____Q Why can't fu**ing Kubo Tite have Ideas like that??? It's so absolutely Shounen. Sure, Keisuke and Seiichiro will be paired up because of the "connected-by-chain-connected-by-heart" and "was sich neckt liebt sich"-ideology of some people, BECAUSE I DON'T THINK SEIICHIRO IS UGLY. He is so typical Shounenmanga-Bishonen ;o;
BUT, it's so crack! I love your humour, I really had some "laughcrashes", the dialouges (love Keisuke's "=_=" xDD) are just brilliant! Not to forget, the USAGALLS, damn, my stomach hurt xDD
you're so damn smart, and i mean it seriously/slang/ *_* xD
About the charakterdesign:
They all have Anime genes, yay!! Even though they're seemed to be based on stereotypes, they're still some kind of unique. Seiichiros uniform is LOVE (but I don't like Keisukes xD) And honestly...the princess reminds me of Amirogaoul-or-however-you-spell-it from -KIBA- XDD I love her hair. *o* And yes, my second thought was NIA. xD The GL-Hints are adorable xDD And GARY is starring too! (spongebob xD)
And all the rest:
It's so colourful and the way you deformed their bodies - IT'S ABSOLUTELY MY TASTE. This is my favourite work by you. HOUNTO. <333
AND NO, not because of the pantyshot (you drew it!!! *o* xD"")
Orrr, my diabolic tippex infiltrated it >D Love the way you used it! And the sky...i'm a sky-fetisher you know, and this one is GORGEOUS.
Masaki, I just can't stop praising you. And be sure, you deserve every compliment, haha *_*;; (Breath is finally running out xD~)
Certainly, I forgot to tell you 10 more of my thoughts I had during reading the post. xD It gibes so much to see. So there is one thing left to say:
Ah no. one more thing. Ich krieg bei "Happily ever after" auch immer so'ne Gänsehaut. Und seit dem Ende auch bei "Minna no peace". Aber ich hab beide Lieder noch nicht gefunden ;_;
OMGOMGOMG ...you ARE A genius D:::!
The story is so wth shounen <3
And I love love love it!
You have to realize it ;O;! I don't have time right now like ming to write a lot but....damn,,, the story rules! I want to see more of it <3!
And the main main charakter has green hairs *__* whozaaa I think he's a bishi, too xD
And I love your coloration!! So many colors, I hope your copics aren't already empty xD.
sry das war komisches englisch *huuust* <3
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