Mittwoch, 12. März 2008

Something you've never expected.

Animexx, the German Manga/Anime-community is still down, so I switched my priorities. I didn't came to draw a lot the last few days. Rather NOTHING. The following sketch of Rukia from Bleach is about two weeks old, drawn in German lessons. (they're so boring and unnecessary)

Some other stlye. As an explanation, I wanted to draw a realistic eye, but endet up with drawing Rukia's haircut...and all the rest. Yep.


Fanart of , "Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne" by big-sparkle-shoujo-eyes-#1-mangaka Arina Tanemura. I must have been around 11 years old, when I watched the first episode. And I have to admit it - I really liked it xD It suited a young girl like me perfectly. But I'm not a young stupid girl anymore, haha. But lately, I had a kind of "nostalgic flashback". I looked for old Anime songs and so on. And just at that time, a friend of my mother's gave me a present: Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Vol. 5. (no idea, why she got THAT idea 8D) After reading it again, I read all the rest online in one. And I had an enourmous motivion to draw some fanart. I rememberd myself cracking down from just COPYING an illustration by Tanemura-san.

But now you see, they look really different, but like my personal style. (I mean, I hope so) I tried to let them look more adult...or realistic, whatever. Chiaki is fail, unfortunately xD And yes, I also tried to imitate the famous Tanemura-eye xD It's harder than it looks like!

I'm content with the lines. Even though some parts of her body are really wrong. Didn't pay attention to that. But as I said, the lines turned out comparatively well, that's why I'm gonna color it.

Hmm, that's all. Wanted to draw some more Campus Lagann, but no time. D:
This weekend is full of events. Hinas birthday, Leipzig book fair (Arrr, I get teary-eyed, when I think of last year) and not to forget, Tee is having her last exams! And she can't afford to miss a second time, that's why I wish her all the best! >w< Hopefully, she'll be able to post something after them. ;_; And I myself will be stucked in my room and will be trying to save my grades in economics. 8D Raaaah.

Last words: heh, you really didn't expect that, RIGHT? xD

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…


Ich glaub es nicht xDDDDD <3, ah, DER SHOUJO Manga schlechthin - und das im Shounenblog xD (ich brauch nix sagen bei MEINEN beiträgen <__<"""""")

Mir gefällt deine Umsetzung in deinen Stil!!
überrascht haben mich deine Haare am meisten ;O; die sind so.. cool ;_; und.. Shouj-ig xD Auch die Posen sind gut gelungen und alles ;O;"

Ah dieser kommi wird gar kurz, ich muss nämlich kurz weg X_X gomen!

und BTW!!!


Hab dich lieb <3

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ich mag Arina Tanemura *o*
*husthust* *gewürgt werd*

Ganzkörper bilder ;___;
super toll!

Und die rukia ist toll <3 Die augen gefallen mir total gut! Zeichne doch wieder mal sowas *__*

Ming hat gesagt…

Danke euch beiden!! <333 Rukia war doch nur 'ne Kritzelei ;o;

@Masaki: ahhhh ja, i'm so sorry DDX xD Der nächste Beitrag wird SHOUNEN òó/

@Tee: *würg* xD (lol, dabei hab ich grad so'n beitrag gepostet 8D) DU LEBST!! <3 Ach, ich sollte mich aber mal endlich auf einen Stil festlegen und erst später experimentieren...irgendwie. D:

Anonym hat gesagt…


DROP xD <3

Das gilt eher für mich, ich bin immer noch stillos V_V

argh, es bitcht grad rum.
*anonym wähl* scheissGmail xD

Ming hat gesagt…

Haha, hab am ersten Satz erkannt, vom wem der is xD <3

Nooooo, du hast eine so eigenständige Malart. ;o; Aber mein Stil ist so langweilig und durchschnittlich und öde und ausserdem gefällt er mir eh nicht. Bragh D8

Anonym hat gesagt…

ARGH jetzt hats meinen ultralangen kommi nicht gespeichert =_="

ich werds dir mitteilen sobald ich dich im msn zu sprechen krieg xD