Hello everyone! Now it's my turn, I guess. I will only write in English, because I'm too lazy I don't have much time those days.
Weeaboo is a OC-Blog, indeed. But I don't feel like drawing OCs...there will be mostly fanarts form my side. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has become my 2nd REAL FANDOM beside Bleach. I mean I've been looking for fanarts for 2hours, this is crazyness MAX...
Anyway. I always get a lot of ideas after fanart-seeking. Like this:

My...fetish ;_; Drew it on Sunday before school started (as an explanation for the Chibi-Adiane-part in the corner). It's so difficult to get more then two people in one situation. The heads never had the same sizes, aargh. But I think it's ok now.
I just can't decide wether I should colorate it with Copics or by computer or both. What do you think? And after all, I don't want to destroy the nice (COUGH) pencil lines...

My all-time OTP ♥ If RenRuki was a highschool lovestory...KITSCHY.

Eh. I'll practise, promise!

No Fanart, phew. Maybe I'll look like that in two weeks...I mean I hope so. (Wunschtraum= pipe/great dream)
So that's already it. Best greetings to our readers from Japan! (if they're any?)
Weeaboo is a OC-Blog, indeed. But I don't feel like drawing OCs...there will be mostly fanarts form my side. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has become my 2nd REAL FANDOM beside Bleach. I mean I've been looking for fanarts for 2hours, this is crazyness MAX...
Anyway. I always get a lot of ideas after fanart-seeking. Like this:

My...fetish ;_; Drew it on Sunday before school started (as an explanation for the Chibi-Adiane-part in the corner). It's so difficult to get more then two people in one situation. The heads never had the same sizes, aargh. But I think it's ok now.
I just can't decide wether I should colorate it with Copics or by computer or both. What do you think? And after all, I don't want to destroy the nice (COUGH) pencil lines...

My all-time OTP ♥ If RenRuki was a highschool lovestory...KITSCHY.

Eh. I'll practise, promise!

No Fanart, phew. Maybe I'll look like that in two weeks...I mean I hope so. (Wunschtraum= pipe/great dream)
So that's already it. Best greetings to our readers from Japan! (if they're any?)
4 Kommentare:
yaaay du hast gepostet :333!!!
also mich störts nicht wenn du weiter fanarts postest xD ich mag beides
ehhrr mir gefällt dieses kh2 crossover oder ist es nur zufall @ schuluniform xD?
Ahhh ur posting ;O;""""
I was SO happy to see it..
I was in Akihabara today, with mai, momoko and risa, and GUESS WHAT.
I found THAT MUCH gurren Lagann fanstuff.. i had to think about u all the day..
And i found some new awesome copics <3
the answer is easy:
I mean..
Of course, computer coloration is awesome but.. you know. EVERYONE with little skill can DO that. If you make some mistakes, you can just delete it.. And you dont have that GREAT smell of copics in your room after using <3 (random xDDD)
Awwww, you used the kanji for MAI <3
Do you know the kanji for Momo?
桃 That one!
I am not sure about risas.. I will ask again!^^
I LOVE your artwork.. I LOVE IT ;O;
And its okay, I mean - I didnt start with original characters too, right?
You can draw what u want, its okay <3 I swear.
How about making that blog ONLY English?
I can translate what tee wrote, no problem.. Its maybe lil bit easier?
Thank you both for commenting so fast! ;__; I'm so happy! Seems we're on a good way *_*
@tee: ja ich bin voll süchtig nach karo-schuluniformen xD und an kh2 muss ich auch andauernd denken 8D
...you know the difference between "think of" and "think about", ya? xD
But ahhh ;_______; I'm really touched. (in englisch klingt das ja schwul...ah, in deutsch ja auch! 8D)
Want to see some superawesome30hours-Copicwork from you! *_*
Yeah, now I'm doing both. But I think I have to practice with digital tools, because I TOTALLY lack in them. I really want to use those opportunities PS&Co. offer.
And i've always been colouring with copics, need some change. But thank you so much for telling me your opinion! ;_;
Thanks! I'll remember Momos Kanji. I'd like to send a little something for everyone with your letter.
Oh, what was the difference againxD
Think of? Think about..?
I can't believe I used THINK ABOUT. I dont know the true meaning, but I know its wrong. Think OF. OF OF OF xDDD
Oh, and Risas kanji..
理紗 was that one! <3
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