Me again :D Hi!
That picture is really old. I found it on my computer when I tried to make some space - I wanna say, delete old pictures.
Its Jinhook, a ex-exchangestudents at Shichirigahama
High. When I drew it, it looked okay, but now, when I see the photographversion.. its bad. Its so bad!
On the left part of his head there is hair missing (lol).
I gave him that drawing as present, made that photograph. And after I saw the fault, I corrected it. On the original one its right now, but on that photograph not.
His right eye is not on the same high like the left and its too big. I know ;_;" arh, I hate that mistake. If I did it right, it would look good.
So please, do as like you wouldn't see that mistake (lol?) やっぱり。。オレはざこだ。。失敗したxD ごめんなさいxDD!
The quality is not good, I'm sorry. That one is really old too, I drew it in Long Homeroom, when we had to go to listen to some presentations. It was really boring..
I just put it on that page, because I don't have a lot of pictures
to show in the Moment ^^°.
But I like his expression. °_°.
Today, I drew some new D.Gray-man fanart, and there is one I really like. I will upload it tomorrow, when I finished it. I started in Karaoke (during 6 hours X_x) and it was really dark, so I needed a lot of time.. AND I didn't have my red copic with me.
Anyway, I'll show you tomorrow.
I am sorry that's only.. that much I upload today..
1 Kommentar:
Yeah this is really not much to comment for me~ But I feel like this Weeaboo is very active, yatta!
Yeah you've already pointed out you're mistakes. Parts of Jinhook's face are shifted...and the nose should be more on the left side.
I love the expression as well xDD~ I totally fail at drawing typical Shounen manga expressions ;_; I'll take you as an example!
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